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Institutional empowerment will push the improvement of farmer productivity which can affect the well-being of farmer life. The purpose of this article is to determine the role of institutions in the development of the Center for Agricultural Development Information in rural and the efforts that can be made to create synergy between institutions and PIPP. This paper uses a literature review by looking for relevant references according to existing problems. The data has been obtained are then analyzed using descriptive analysis methods. The results and discussion show that some of the institutions involved in the Agricultural Development Information Center (PIPP) are, universities, local governments, opinion leaders, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), farmer organizations (extension agents, farmer contacts, farmer group associations, (Gapoktan) and farmer groups). Empowering farmers through common perceptions and alignment of goals, strengthening institutions for the continuity and sustainability of resources and structuring institutional capacity, improving institutional management, improving leadership patterns, and transparency.
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Nasrul, W. (2012). Pengembangan Kelembagaan Pertanian Untuk Peningkatan Kapasitas Petani Terhadap Pembangunan Pertanian. Menara Ilmu.
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Oktarina, Selly, & Sarwoprasodjo, S. (2018). Strategi Komunikasi Politik Opinion Leader Dalam Difusi Program Pembangunan Dan Pengembangan Lembaga Lokal Di Pedesaan (Opinion Leader Political Metacommunication: Journal of 3(1).
Purwaka, T. H. (2008). Model Analisis Pengembangan Kapasitas. Penerbit Fakultas Hukum Unika Atma Jaya.
Quingco Joyfe G, & S, L. C. (2019). The Economic Impact, Contribution, and Challenges of Micro Business Enterprises to the Local Development. Philippine Social Science Journal The, 2(2), 107–122.
Rogers, E. M. (1995). Diffusion of inovation (Fifth Edit). Free Press.
Sunanto, & Yuniarsih, E. (2011). Gapoktan Menyambut Program Subsidi Pupuk Langsung ke Petani. Buletin Inovasi Dan Informasi Pertanian BPPT Sulsel.
Tisenkopfs, T., Kunda, I., sumane, S., Brunori, G., Klerkx, L., & Moschitz, H. (2015). Learning and Innovation in Agriculture and Rural Development: The Use of the Concepts of Boundary Work and Boundary Objects. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension.
Touihri, M., Séguy, M., Imbeau, L., Mazerolle, M. J., & Bird, D. M. (2019). Effects of agricultural lands on habitat selection and breeding success of American kestrels in a boreal context. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment.
Zainal, A. G., Singagerda, F. S., Sanusi, A., & Akbar, M. F. (2019). Community development communication model and improving the role of agropolitan institutions. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research.
Zainal, A. U., & Prakoso, G. H. (2019). The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Motivation Toward Agricultural Extension’s Performance at Agricultural Office of Tanggamus District. Jurnal Penyuluhan, 15(1).